It was a good life. It was a life filled with love and joy. But it was also filled with pain and sorrow. But that is what life is. Or in your case, was.
[[You're dead|Dead]]
You're dead. So now what?
[[Go to Heaven|Heaven]]
[[Go to Hell|Hell]]
You made it to heaven. Why? You don't really know. Maybe because you were a good person, maybe because you chose the right religion, maybe somebody up there just likes you. You don't know why, but here you are.
[[Enter the gates of Heaven|Heaven2]]
You trudge your way down to the very gates of Hell. You see the sign above the firey gates "Abandon all hope ye who enter here". And that pretty much describes your state, hopeless.
[[Enter the gates of Hell|Hell2]]
You enter through the golden gates. It is just indescribably beautiful (literally indescribable, don't expect a description, use your imagination). Everyone you have ever loved is here, everything is wonderful. Beauty and pleasures that are beyond anything you experienced in life. Pleasures and joys both simple and sublime. You literally could not be happier.
[[Enjoy Heaven|Heaven3]]
Your existence is pure bliss. Everything you ever wanted, your every whim and desire is fulfilled. There is no pain, there is no suffering, no struggle. Everything you want, you have, the instant you want it.
[[This is wonderfull|Heaven3]]
[[Actually, this is getting kind of boring|Heaven4]]
With your every whim satisfied fully, there really is nothing to do, nothing to struggle for, nothing to achieve. It is all done for you. It is nice, but somehow everything is starting to feel pointless.
[[Stay in Heaven|Heaven3]]
[[Go to Hell|Hell]]
Pain, sorrow, unrelenting torment. There is no respite from the pain. You are tortured in ways that cannot be described here (you really don't want me to describe it, use your imagination).
[[Unrelenting Torment|Hell3]]
The horror, the pain, the misery. And it just keeps coming. You never get use to it. You constantly experience new and inventive methods of torture, physical torture, mental torture, and even spiritual torture. The pain is always intense, and horrible. And it goes on for eternity. There is no hope.
[[There is no hope|Hell2]]
[[There is always hope, even in the darkest pit of Hell|Hell4]]
Maybe there is a way. Maybe there is hope. Maybe.
You decide that you are going to fight this, that you are going struggle against your plight. Maybe you will fail, but you need to try. It can’t get worse then this, you have nothing to lose because you have nothing but pain.
You try. And it is hard. It is painful. And at times it seems hopeless. But you have decided that there must be hope. And you hang on to that hope through trials and tribulations that seem endless. You fight with all your strength, and all your cunning. And somehow you find that there is a way out.
[[Uphill all the way|Up]]
It is not a stairway to Heaven, it is a sheer cliff face. And you climb it with your bare hands, clinging on for your very soul. Up, up, fighting for every inch, in constant fear of falling.
[[You can't make it, it is too hard|Fall]]
[[You made it, and find yourself standing before the very Gates of Heaven|Heaven2]]
You let go, and you fall. Your soul is battered and broken. And again you find yourself in a strange void.
[[Try to climb back up to heaven|Up]]
[[Go to Hell|Hell]]
[[Reincarnate|New Life]]
You reincarnate into a new life. A different body, a different life. Everything is so different than before. You learn so much in this life, so many different things.
But even though it is a completely different life, it is still life. There is still joy, and pain. There is still love and loss. And is lasts all to brief a time. And then it is over.
[[You’re dead (again)|Dead]]